Where can I find the school's policies?
You can find a comprehensive list of the school's policies by visiting our policy portal at https://policy.axoneducation.com/detail. This resource provides detailed information on all active policies to help you stay informed about institutional guidelines and procedures.
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What is the attendance policy?
Our institution ensures student engagement by monitoring attendance in accordance with our Minimum Activity Policy. This policy requires all students to log in to the Learning Management System (LMS) at least once every seven days to maintain active ...
What is the grading policy?
Our grading policy can be found through the link provided below. We use automated systems and standardized rubrics to ensure fair and objective grading, following a letter grade scale ranging from A+ (100% or more) to F (below 60%). RELATED ...
Is this an online school?
Yes, Texas EMS School is an online school. Related articles: What type of school is this? Is this a hybrid school? Is this an in-person school?
Is this a hybrid school?
Texas EMS School is an online institution, not a hybrid institution. While in-person components such as Skills Lab sessions and clinical/field experiences are required for each program, students are afforded the flexibility to select both the dates ...
What type of school is this?
Our school specializes in online EMS education, including EMT, Advanced EMT, and Paramedic educational offerings. The programs are offered in an online format, complemented by a couple essential in-person components (e.g., Skills Labs and ...